Anyone In Here From Close To Madison, Indiana.
I like hugs to
What Lessons From Your Hemophilia Experience Are You Applying In 2024?
1. If you are not happy with the results from your current treatment/therapy, look for something new. There are lots of treatment choices for Hemophilia A and B including many that are new within the… read more
How Does The Cold Affect Your Hemophilia?
Stiffen up my joints
Can You Help Me Understand My Blood Disorder
I’m going to go get some food for the dogs
My Son Is 35 And Has Factor 9, Can Someone Help Find Factor For Him?
I'm also Factor 9 hemophilia B I live in central Canada I take Rebinyn.
What Hemophilia Symptoms Keep You Up At Night?
I'm a 50 year old with Hemaphilia A and I'm in the same situation and now it's getting worse with these drug shortages I'm having to struggle even to be able to get my pain meds filled
What's On Your Holiday Wish List That Could Improve Your Life With Hemophilia?
I'm with you on that ,sometimes,I get looked at like being abused or drug abuse and I dont
Hello I Am Trying To Find Out Exactly What Thrombocydapenia Is
Thrombocytopenia is a condition that occurs when the platelet count in your blood is too low. Platelets are tiny blood cells that are made in the bone marrow from larger cells. When you are injured… read more
What Aspects Of Hemophilia Are You Grateful For And Worried About Lately?
I'm grateful I survived the many times I came close to death since I was 5 yo in 1949. I don't worry about it unless a doctor insists I do some procedure I know would be risky...then I'm adamant about… read more
Why You Need To Think About What You Did Last Summer
What you doing for the day
Going on holiday