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Top 9 search results for "Advate" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Advice About Hemaphila C

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

How is Hemaphila C different from other hemophilia conditions

Do You Know Your Limit

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

Do you ever push yourself through a bleeding episode without infusing I do and it's actually not that bad once the bleeding has calmed down and gone away I hate needles is there any advise for this

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

I would strongly discourage trying to push through a bleed and not infuse. Especially if it is in any major joint. You will definitely pay for it when you get older and you develop severe arthritis… read more

Blood Types?

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am curious, my husband has O negative blood and his friend also has negative blood. These are the only 2 hemophiliacs I know. I was wondering if there is a correlation with negative blood and hemophilia? Also, my husband has a MTHFR mutation, which makes his body less able to detox, among other things. I do not know about his friend’s status on this, but we found out through 23&me and genetic genie. Does anyone else know their status as far as blood type and/or MTHFR mutation, specifically 677… read more

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A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

Interesting question but I don't believe there is any connection between RH factor and hereditary bleeding disorders. Like you, I am O-neg. but that only means we are universal blood donors (like… read more

I Am A 62 Year Old Senior Who Needs To Have 13 Teeth Removed....

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am looking for an oral surgeon familiar with Hemophilia in the Titusville/Orlando, Florida. I am a Hemophlia patient (Factor 11) def. and have a tendency to bleed alot.. My dentist said I would need a transfusion before, and one unit after the procedure. So we are talking about a two-three day hospital trip for me. So far, I have no recommendations for anyone close by. Not sure what to do, as the work needs to be done asap because of constant infections.

Any advise would be appreciated… read more

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

You absolutely need to contact the closest Hemophilia treatment center. I would not ever do oral surgery without the their involvement. I have had 3 surgeries all went well. I have Von Willebrands.

Being Given Advate After A Procedure And You Have Von Willebrand's Type 2b

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son, like myself, has von Willebrand's type 2b. He is having his wisdom teeth removed and is going to take Amicar and Vonvendi. Weird thing is advate is also on the list. Anyone else with vW been given this? It is usually given to hemophiliacs

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A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

I've been given DDAVP

I Am Pregnant And Have A Factor 7 Deficiency. Any Factor 7 Ladies Have Advice For A Safe Pregnancy And Delivery?

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

You are very welcome! I did have a natural birth but the pain was rough, they wouldn’t give me anything for the contractions. Also, for post birth, make sure they do a follow up on your levels. My… read more

Bariatric Surgery And Von Willdebrands Disease

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hello, I was wondering if anyone with hemophilia has had bariatric surgery or any Marjory surgery? I was wondering how the surgery went and if there were any complications? I am considering surgery . Even though I have a very mild form of hemophilia one surgeon said he wouldn't risk it and the other one said it's no big deal?. I was just looking for advice from others who has been through it and the out comes..

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

Sorry, I know it's been awhile, and you may have had your procedure already. I have had extensive surgeries done, and with preplanning and my HTC doctor's orders in place, I have not had problems… read more

How Do I Discourage My 17 Yro. Severe Hemo. A Son, Not To Buy A Motorcycle?

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

.Hi, My 17 yro. Severe A son, is determined to buy a motorcycle. He has written and explained a 3 page report to me and his dad the reasons why he should be allowed to get a motorcycle. To me, this just sounds like the craziest idea in the world.--No exceptions!---A no brainer. But trying to convince my son is a totally different argument
This would not happen right away, but probably within the next 6 to 8 mos
I am searching for help from the "older" more experienced people,-- who may… read more

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A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

I just joined this sight and I saw your post from over 2 years ago. Having had motorcycles since I was 10 made me curious of your outcome. I am Severe A also. Hope all is well. Glenn

Intching, Pins And Needles On Face And Head

A MyHemophiliaTeam Member asked a question 💭

I’ve been having pins and needles and itching on my face and head from taking norco and methadone to manage my pain. Doesn’t anyone have a way to cope with it or any other information. I’ve tried other pain killers and can’t tolerate them as well as I do the opiates. I also smoke pot at night to deal with neuropathy and anxiety etc.

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A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

Certainly sounds very similar to my own, however, I have hemophilia factor VIII deficiency, severe...long winded way of saying that I have had problem which have resulted in my left knee being fused… read more